Many moons ago, I blogged about Creative Leadership Requires The Right Brains. I was wondering how much has changed in my point of view on the topic, given I have had access to more information than I had then. There is only one way to find out, and that is to read and rewrite. That, is an exercise is for me though. For you, the choice is as simple as reading the new blog, and not worrying with the old.
I started reading The Artist's Way in December 2015. It's a wonderful book, by Julia Cameron, that I recommend. In my journey of rediscovering the creative in me, this topic seemed like a good place to start. After all, our perception on being creative is very colourful. Since I am this Shadow Artist, living in a world dominated by exploiting the left brain hemisphere, allow me to indulge in a little bit of fun, while hopefully, I make you think.
Do you think creativity can be learned? There are all sorts of Business Schools where leadership is a subject matter smart people learn. Leadership is taught, and qualifications from these institutions is well sought after. Where though, in the institution's curriculum, is creativity taught?
I noticed in a conversation last week, I was listening to how apologetic Thandi was (name has been changed to protect the innocent), when speaking about qualifying with her Arts Degree, yet she seemed to light up more and speak with confidence and pride when referring to her husband studying an Engineering degree. They studied at the same reputable institution in the Western Cape (South Africa). Thandi, is running her own successful business with her husband, in case you were wondering.
If business wants innovative ideas in the workplace, where do people go to in order to learn to be creative and come up with these wonderful concepts, that serve a purpose and generate profits? People are expected to be more creative and think outside of the box! This desire to be innovative leaders is hard to optimise. After all, being creative is hard to measure in the build up. That makes it mighty difficult to manage since "If you can't measure it..."
To Be Continued...
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