
Thursday, 17 December 2015

Am I Not A Morning Person?

I am not a morning person. I enjoy my lie in, and I sleep very late at night, relative to most people I know. When I do get up at the crack of dawn, I do wonder if that statement is true. "Am I really not a morning person?", given how bright and sparkly I am when I wake up early versus how sluggish I can feel when I wake up that little bit later?

I enjoy the silence, any time of day. It's a good space to be in the silence, and I get that a lot late in the evening. This morning though, I am sitting outside, and it is still. Still but not silent. All I can hear is different birds making their respective sounds. I can hear the cock crow in the distance... I can hear the ducks and their quack. It might actually be one duck as it's not multiple quacks at the same time. There is some form of rhythm to it though, as the duck will quack, keep quiet and then the cock will crow. Almost as if they were having a conductor for their little orchestra!

There is also a pigeon, which has for now stopped. The could be more than one. I don't know whether that sound is a pigeon or a dove actually. In fact, I can't quite distinguish between a pigeon and a dove. I do know that sound, I just don't know which of the two birds makes the sound. It is a sound I was very familiar with growing up in Alexandra.

It always symbolised the rare event of stillness when I was up the road from my house, at the corner house where my friend, Semmotseng, lived. They had a large tree in their yard, so it was my best bird experience on our street, 14th Avenue.

I remember on multiple occasions, being in his yard, and somehow the noise of the township would ease back, out of my mind, and all I could hear was that repetitive tune that the pigeon/dove would make. It was almost as if there was nobody else on the property with me... Just me and those birds...

Back to Constantia, where I have the privilege of waking up this morning. I hear the duck again. There is the constant concert in background of the other birds, that are providing their tunes of various classic chirps. A dog even barks in, but it's all about the birds at the moment, with the occasional solo from the cock and the duck. It is still... Every so often, I can hear a car, but they are so distant and way outclassed by the birds. It's nippy standing out here, but this little moment is worth it!

So I have to really consider this carefully... Am I not a morning person? If not, and listening to all this, do I want to stay that way, or is it time for change?

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